Floating Pontoon Robot

Practical Engineering Australia (PEA) recently had the opportunity to work with Matthew Dunbabin and his research team at QUT. They had been engaged by Seqwater to design and manufacture a floating pontoon robot. Seqwater’s Autonomous Motorised Monitoring Instrument (SAMMI) is a solar-powered self-driving system with GPS and collision detection. SAMMI provides an innovative way to monitor water quality without risking the safety of operators during hazardous conditions.

PEA was engaged to assess the lightweight aluminium structure of the unit and offer some design feedback. This ensured the unit was not only functional, but also structural and safe to manoeuvre and lift.

Thank you for the opportunity to partner with you and the QUT team, Matthew Dunbabin. It is a pleasure to get to be a part of the development of such innovative technology.

Should you have enquiries please contact our Sales Team on 07 3875 2133 or email sales@praceng.com.au.

Floating Pontoon Robot - Practical Engineering - https://www.practicalengineering.com.au/blog/floating-pontoon-robot/