RPEQ Certification

“RPEQ certification” is the process by which a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) provides, endorses, or approves a professional engineering service. Typically, this includes review and approval of designs, to ensure safety and compliance alongside mitigating risk for you, your equipment, and the public. Our RPEQ engineers are backed by extensive experience and commitment to delivering high quality engineering services to you, your business, and your clients.

What value does RPEQ certification bring to me, my business or my clients?

At Practical Engineering, RPEQ certification offers you:

  • Design development paired with technical and practical experience
  • Critical safety and performance reviews of proposed designs
  • Risk mitigation to satisfy insurance requirements through RPEQ endorsement

Speak with us to discuss your project-specific requirements.

Do I need RPEQ Certification?

RPEQ certification is a legal requirement for professional engineering services being carried out in Queensland, or for a Queensland-based project.

What is a professional engineering service?

The Professional Engineers Act 2002 states that “professional engineering service means an engineering services that requires, or is based on, the application of engineering principles and data to a design, or to a construction or production activity…” The implications of this statement are far reaching and go beyond design certification.


The RPEQ system was introduced in 1930 by The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland, with the intention of bringing regulation and accountability to practising professional engineers. Currently, professional engineers can be registered as competent under twenty-six areas of engineering ranging from Aeronautical and Civil, to Mechanical and Structural.